What are you learning today – to boost your skills, contribution, and service to others?

I’m always learning. I want to keep my brain tuned and keep relevant daily.

When I’m learning, I have to work through my assumptions to assess their relevance in this new state. That’s good for me and for my brain.

Great bosses are learning all the time. They’re learning how well team members operate together. The ground rules from last week might not fit perfectly for the team this week! They’re learning how well individual team skills mesh with customer demands, in the moment. They’re learning about new demands coming down the pike – and experimenting with how to best help the team succeed, every day.

In today’s three-minute episode of my Culture Leadership Charge video series, I share with you some of the things I’m learning and why I believe learning and service are so important today – at home, at work, and in our communities.

My Culture Leadership Charge series features short (two-to-three-minute) videos that describe proven culture leadership and servant leadership practices that boost engagement, service, and results across your work teams, departments, regions, and even your entire company.

Each episode’s “charge” is a challenge for everyone in your organization – not just leaders – to refine their behaviors and ensure everyone is treated respectfully at all times.

You’ll find my Culture Leadership Charge episodes and more on my YouTube channel. If you like what you see, please subscribe!

Check out @scedmonds #Culture #Leadership Charge video series on @YouTube http://drtc.me/ytube Share on X

Photo © Adobe Stock – puhhha. All rights reserved.

What are you learning today? What do you need to learn today that would help you serve and contribute more effectively? Share your insights on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

S. Chris Edmonds

Chris helps leaders create purposeful, positive, productive work cultures. He's a speaker, author, and executive consultant. He blogs, podcasts, and video casts. He is the author of two Amazon bestsellers: Good Comes First (2021) and The Culture Engine (2014).
How do you like to learn? Read books | Listen to podcasts | Watch videos

Reader Interactions


  1. Judd Hoekstra says

    Thanks Chris. I couldn’t agree more with your message. In today’s rapidly changing world, it’s not what you know now, it’s your ability to unlearn and rapidly assimilate new learnings into practice.

    In addition to how to socialize and collaborate with all kinds of people, I believe the most valuable lesson I learned at college was how to learn.

    Keep up the great work!

    • S. Chris Edmonds says

      Judd, thank you for your insights! You’re exactly right – learning how to learn is too often a skill we put on the shelf as we “do” things daily. The only way to continue serving & contributing is to evolve – and, through evolving, we actually have a shot at remaining relevant!



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